Does the idea of meditating freak you out? Throughout my years meditating. I’ve witnessed all kinds of resistance to the practice. The most common excuses for not meditating are, “I don’t have time,” “I can’t sit still,” and “Meditation is for yogis and super-spiritual people.” Does this sound familiar? If so, I’m here to bust the myth the meditation is difficult and not for you. Meditation is for everyone, it doesn’t have to take much time and anyone can sit still (even if it’s for just a minute).
Before we go any further, let’s begin with a few definitions so you can get familiar and comfortable with the language of meditation. Sometimes the lingo can feel off-putting, but like most things you’ll pick it up quickly.

What Is Meditation?

First, what is meditation? Meditation is a practice that trains your mind. If that sounds a little vague, it’s because there are many types of meditation done for different purposes.
One of the most popular meditation practices in Australia is
Mindfulness Meditation is a western, research-based form of meditation a 2,500 year old Buddhist practice called Vipassana or Insight Meditation. It is a form of meditation designed to develop the skill of paying attention to our inner and outer experiences with acceptance, patience, and compassion. Another popular practice in Australia is mindfulness meditation, which is based on stillness and calming the mind.
I Teach and practice Kundalini meditation. This type of meditation uses mantras, breath work, mudras (hand positions) and even physical movements. But even before I became a student of Kundalini yoga and meditation I designed my own stillness practice based on different tools I’d learned throughout my life.

What Are Mantras?

Another term that comes up a lot when talking about meditation is mantra, which I mentioned above. What is a mantra? Simply put, a mantra is a word or sound that you repeat throughout a meditation to help focus the mind. “Mantra” comes from Sanskrit. Man is the root of the word for “mind,” and tra is the root of the word for “instrument.” Mantras help us disconnect from that stream of thoughts constantly flowing (sometimes rushing) through our minds. Keep in mind, not all forms of meditation use mantras.
You can check out my all-time favorite mantras over on my blog.
I’ve meditated every day for the past 2 years. I owe my happiness, health and awesome life to this one simple tool! Through my meditation I have learned how to boost my immune system, release my fears and heighten my intuition. My daily meditation practice has given me an internal power that supports all that I bring forth in the world.
You too can experience this groovy power, intuition and connection by following the simple meditation steps outlined below. To help your meditation practice, I’ve created a Beginner’s Guide to Meditation. These 10 tips will help you start your own meditation practice and experience awesome benefits.

1. Anyone can meditate. You’ve just gotta want it.

Like any practice, you have to want to do it in order to achieve results. It can be hard to start a meditation practice because it seems so foreign from what we’re taught to do. But I have good news: Meditating is much simpler than we make it out to be. Beginning a meditation practice requires only your slight willingness. Your desire to experience something new is all you need to get on a new path.
Let’s set the intention to begin your practice now. Affirm this statement out loud to yourself: I am open to meditation and I welcome a new practice into my life. This simple statement will give you all the energy and enthusiasm you need to continue reading this beginiers guide to meditation and beginning your practice. It’s very important to accept that anyone can meditate as long as they want to.

2. Set the mood.

It’s great to create a space in your home that is quiet, uncluttered and serene. This space can be dedicated to your practice. But if space is tight or you travel a lot, no worries! You really can meditate anywhere. You can meditate on a park bench, at your desk, in the bathtub, even on the bus. Meditation can become a part of your daily routine and you can do it anytime, anywhere.
However, if you can, create a sacred space to meditate in. Even if you have a small apartment, you can set up a meditation space and light a candle.

3. You DO have time to meditate.

You have a minute to spare, right? One minute a day spent in stillness can change your life. Commit to one minute a day and use this practice to silence your mind and calm your energy.
The One-Minute Breath
For one minute follow this breathing technique:
Breathe in for 5 seconds
Hold your breath for 5 seconds
Release for 5 seconds
Hold for 5 seconds
Practice this breath pattern for one minute a day.

4. Find peace in your pulse.

Meditation can be as simple as finding your pulse. I call it Peace Is in Your Pulse because it improves your concentration and brings calm to even the most scattered mind.
Sit comfortably cross-legged on the floor.
Lightly close your eyes and focus on the space between your eyebrows (the third-eye point).
The mantra (repeated phrase) is Sat Nam (which means “truth identified”).
The hand position (called a mudra) is simple. Place the four fingers of your right hand on your left wrist and feel your pulse. The fingers are in a straight line, lightly pressed on the wrist so you can feel your pulse in each fingertip.
On each beat of your pulse, mentally hear the sound of Sat Nam.

This meditation can be done any time, anywhere and you can experience great benefits in just one minute. Practice it daily to develop your intuition and calm your mind.

5. Practice the “Peace begins with me” Kundalini technique.

This technique is an awesome, easy Kundalini meditation that’s fast and effective. You can do it anywhere.
Gently press your thumb against your index finger, then your middle finger, then your ring finger, then your pinkie finger.
When you touch your index finger, say: PEACE
When you touch your middle finger, say: BEGINS
When you touch your ring finger, say: WITH
When you touch your pinkie finger, say: ME
Breathe deeply as you say each word. Go as slow or as fast as you’d like. Use this technique in line at the bank, under the desk in an office meeting or even in the middle of a fight with a partner or friend. This technique will get you through all kinds of crazy emotions and help you release resentment fast.

6. Make cooking a meditation practice.

If you enjoy cooking or baking, turn it into a meditative practice. When you’re in the kitchen you can detach from your day and get creative, even if you’re just whipping up spaghetti! The next time you feel stressed out after a long day of work, cook a delicious meal.
Be deliberate. When you walk into the kitchen, set up everything you need. Play relaxing or energizing music. Take your focus off your to-do list and onto serving your soul. Enjoy the process and then enjoy the meal!

7. Meditate while you walk.

You can find a meditative moment even when you’re walking. Walking is actually a great time to meditate because it keeps us from rushing and allows us to slow down, calm down and get grounded. Try this simple meditation practice the next time you’re running errands, stretching your legs on your lunch break or even grocery shopping. Slow down just a bit and make your walk meditative.
Take a deep breath with every step.
Feel the soles of your feet and focus on being more grounded with each step
Use a mantra while you walk. With each step recite this mantra: “I am, calm now.”
Whenever you’re stressed, you disconnect from your body and your power. Get more grounded and connected with a walking meditation. You’ll actually enjoy your walk and feel much better when you arrive at your destination.

8. Find your Zen with meditation apps.

Many people blame technology for their stress, lack of connection and anxiety. Tech overload keeps us up at night, often literally.
But there’s a new trend happening. Instead of being a source of anxiety. Our phones are becoming tools for stress relief. The growing trend is that people are turning to these channels for guided meditations, positive affirmations, empowering content and stress relief tools – all for free.

9. How to finish each daily meditation.

When you end your meditation it’s important to ground yourself. You may want to stomp your feet on the ground. Have a snack or drink some tea. Do something that gets you back into your body before going back to your daily routine.
Moving too quickly out of a meditation can even give you a headache or make you feel anxious. Take a few minutes to sit in a relaxed manner or lie down and rest. Let your body recalibrate.
It’s also helpful to set an intention for the rest of your day once you finish your practice. Seal the deal with a positive intention like, I choose to carry this peace with me for the rest of the day. Set yourself up to win with a silent prayer after your meditation.
When you first start your meditation practice, you may feel awkward or even uncomfortable. That’s totally normal! You don’t have to be an instant expert to benefit from meditation. You can expect thoughts to pop up throughout your meditation. Instead of getting frustrated, try to let them pass. We are human and this is just how our minds work! If you meditate with a mantra, gently return to it whenever you catch your mind wandering. In mindfulness meditation, teachers often say to detach from those thoughts by seeing them as clouds floating in and out of your mind. The more you practice meditation — even if it’s just for a minute or two each day — the better you’ll become. But it’s not a contest or a competition. Meditation is a practice.
There are all kinds of ways to meditate and lots of tools to help you create a meditation practice that’s right for you. If one doesn’t quite click, try another. Let yourself adjust to this new habit and make it your own. Just remember: Anyone can meditate as long as they want to. That includes you.